Honoring Herbert “Herb” W. Larson

March 4, 1932 - March 19, 2024


Herbert “Herb” W. Larson of Tustin, CA, born March 4, 1932, a man who loved life, succumbed to injuries sustained in a fall on March 19, 2024, just weeks after his 92nd birthday.

It is impossible to reduce the grand scope of his life into a few paragraphs.  A fiercely devoted husband, father, grandfather, brother, educator, mentor, TV personality, friend, and deaf activist, Herb always put his family first.

He met his wife of almost 70 years, Caroline, at Gallaudet University.  Wanting to finish his undergraduate years before marrying, he told her she needed to do 3 things to get married before his graduation:  

  1. Find a job.  She did, and became the 1st Deaf person to work at the Pentagon.  
  2. Find a place to live.  She did, and they moved to a tiny apartment across the street from the College.  
  3. Get a car.  She successfully talked her father into giving them one.  

The rest is an historic love story.

Herb spent the bulk of his working years in Deaf Education.  He was the Director of the National Center on Deafness at California State University, Northridge (CSUN), and established the Southeast Los Angeles County (SELACO) Downey High school program, now part of the Larson Regional Program in Los Angeles.  Herb was proud of the programs he developed and created for Deaf Youth, including the Jr. National Association of the Deaf (NAD) College Bowl.  He loved watching Deaf youth learn and grow.

Herb was also an Emmy award winner known as the ‘Johnny Carson of the Deaf’.  He was given numerous national and local awards, including Keys to several cities and “Herb Larson Day” promoted in many states and cities.

Herb served on countless boards and committees, serving the Deaf world by making it a more accessible place for education, entertainment, and communication.  He had a story for everything and paid thoughtful attention to anyone who had a story to tell him.  Scholarships in his name for memorial donations include CSUN National Center on Deafness (NCOD); The Larson Regional Program; DEAFinitely 4 Kids, and Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness (GLAD). 

Herb had a wicked sense of humor, loved to shop, reveled in fun clothing selections and his bartending skills.  He excelled at martinis, enjoyed fine wine and good scotch.  He loved to entertain, loved his friends, and wanted nothing but for people to be happy.  During his retirement years, he turned into a “foodie” and constantly sent photos of his newest cooking creations to his daughters.  Herb walked many miles per week, looking at real estate and fine art.  He loved peanut butter on almost anything, kitchen gadgets, burnt toast, and Fritos. 

He is survived by his wife, Caroline; deeply loved daughters Pamela and Johanna; Grandsons Reid, Keenan, and Andrew; brother David and many nieces and their children.  He was predeceased by his brother Gary and infant son Gregory.

For those that were aware of his many heart attacks, his heart was the last thing to go.  One of his last words to both his daughters regarding the status of his life was “incredible!”  We miss you, Dad, and your life was indeed incredible.

Virtual Memorial Service

Recorded Saturday, September 14, 2024

Herb’s family invites you to view the virtual Memorial Service & Reception to honor his life and legacy.

Photo Gallery


Herb teaches Caro to blow bubbles

Herb shows Caroline how to blow bubbles and she is thrilled to do it right!

Christmas 2021

Christmas and new year greetings hoping 2022 brings an end to masks! Caro doesn’t want to pick up masks Herb throws on the floor, though!

Snowball fun

Epic snowball toss game with Herb and Caro.

Christmas greetings 2023

Christmas and New Year greetings. May 2024 be full of good health and wealth!

Herb last work

Herb wishes his friend Sheldon a happy birthday and reminds him of the fun they had on their TV show.

In lieu of flowers please consider donating to DEAFinitely 4 KIDS – Herb and Caroline Larson Scholarship.

D4kids is a non-profit organization established to support Deaf and hard of hearing children and their families in Southern California. They offer support through resources, information, and materials to develop knowledge and confidence.

Guest Book

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Bobbie Beth Scoggins
4 months ago

I met Herb Larson as a CSUN student, and he truly is one of a kind, radiating a smile as bright as a thousand light bulbs. His genuine interest in others, especially in our efforts to make a meaningful impact, is truly inspiring. I feel blessed to have crossed paths with you, Herb. Thank you for making a difference in our lives and in the world. Lots of love to you and your family. Thank you for the wonderful memorial service celebrating him!

Dawn Crossen Wilson
4 months ago

Thank you, Caroline. Joanna and Pam, for sharing your husband/dad with the world. He was a remarkable man who gave so much of himself tobetter all people, especially the deaf community. I remember videotaping OFF HAND each week so that my students could see it..and my deaf parents, too.
The late 1970’s and early 1980’s was an incredible time period for the advancementof the deaf community, and Herb played such a large role in advancing this new awareness.

I feel so fortunateto have seen Caroline and Herb (along with visiting guest and friend, Dr. Robert Davilla) at their home in September 2021. I’m so glad that I was able to thank them for their dedication and service and to take their pictureon that day.

Thank you for giving all of us from all over the world the opportunity to join on on Herb’s touching memorial. Herb’s influences and contributions…especially to deaf students…will continue to spread and grow for many years to follow.
May his LEGACY live on through his family and ALL those students, teachers, leaders and friends with whom he touched.
Love to you, Caroline, Jo, Pam and family
Dawn Crossen Wilson 🤟🤟🤟

Donalda Ammons
4 months ago

I had the privilege of meeting and knowing Herb and Caroline when Gertie Galloway and I were in LA for some business related meetings. My first impression of Herb was- oh boy- how well dressed he was- definitely creating his own style. Caroline was hilariously funny with her ice cream cone story. Some years later, I had another opportunity to chat with him about his experience as a caregiver. It came across quite clearly that he loved his Caroline!
May he rest in peace.

Larry Littleton
4 months ago

I met Mr. Larson in 1969 at SELACO-South Jr. High as a new student. I had come from an oral program, and being at SELACO was my first exposure to ASL. I found myself in Mr. Larson’s office more often than not, and I was enamored with his charisma, his way of signing, and his warmth. Many years later, while working in the corporate world, I was tasked with implementing an energy conservation outreach program for Deaf customers of Southern California Edison. I immediately thought of Mr. Larson, and his well-known persona. I asked him to be our model for an ad that was displayed within the entire Edison territory. We used photography and holography to make an intriguing sign. The outreach program as a great success. I’ve kept in touch with Mr. Larson all these years, and treasure the memories I have with him.

Marnee Wafer-Hoecker
4 months ago

I am a CSUN Alumni. Herb had a great impact on all of us. I am blessed to have had him as part of my journey into the the Deaf community!

stefanie ellis-gonzales
4 months ago

Growing up in Tustin with my parents, Doug & Gayle and my brother, Matt, I was in awe of Herb and Caroline – two of the first Deaf adults outside of my family that I got to know (as neighbors). Truly a class act. I admired them as such a loving, hilarious, and elegant couple with incredibly cool daughters. I feel blessed to have had Herb’s influence on me at such a young age. What a beautiful memorial service – Herb deserved nothing less.

Joy Sarnowski
4 months ago

Jo and Pam – Such a beautiful service for an amazing man. There are so many years of fond memories, I was so moved during the service. (Tears and laughter). Please give my love to your Mom. And much love to you both. xo

Patty Drasin
4 months ago

How fortunate I was able to work with Herb starting from when he was a manager at NCOD and continuing on to his becoming the Director there, too.
Much love to Jo, Pam and all the grandchildren. What an incredible memorial for an equally incredible man, father and leader in the Deaf community.

Dana Brittingham
4 months ago

I was an interpreting student at CSUN 1980-83. Herb and his wife are foremost in my memories of my time working and studying at CSUN. They were so encouraging and supportive to everyone. They have made positive ripples throughout time and space. I feel blessed to have crossed paths with them.

Condolences to their family.

Barry J. Sanderson
4 months ago

Barry Sanderson

4 months ago

A life well lived, a man who loved and was loved.

Sheldon I. Altfeld
4 months ago

Best Host EVER!! He will be heavily missed!!

Dawn Crossen Wilson
Reply to  Sheldon I. Altfeld
4 months ago

Hello to Sheldon. Thank you for your contribution to help bring the deaf world to everyone else in the world! It was great to see you as part of the memorial service. I taped all if those shows back then! 🤟💕 Dawn

Bill J Gropp
4 months ago

philip bravin
4 months ago

a dear friend…herb and i worked together on the miss deaf america events in the 1980s, when i was the technical director and he was the mc..and then he served on my board at the national captioning institute while i was the ceo…and we kept in touch mostly at the nad conferences every 2 years and judy and i visited herb and carol at their home about 5 years ago when we were in the area…miss him dearly…he enlightens every room we walk in

Nina Treiman
4 months ago

Herb was one of the best bosses I ever had. Not only was he smart and funny, but he was a good listener … even if he didn’t always agree with me. He had a spark in life that made it enjoyable to be around. I can only imagine the loss this is to his family and close friends. 💔

Bill J Gropp
4 months ago


Andrew Muhr
4 months ago

Herb had an incredible, storybook life, and it was a privilege to be his grandson. The experiences that he and Caroline had and the lessons they were able to teach me about people have shaped me into the person I am today. I will always cherish the memories of summer visits to their home and the experiences we shared as a family.
His accomplishments as an activist and educator have affected more than just his family and community. His loss is immense, but his legacy will live on much longer than any of us.

Bill J Gropp
4 months ago

I knew Herb as one of his students at the National Center on Deafness program. A very awesome person to have met! I also am aware he was a very schoolary man ever since he was 16. I ran into one of the news articles he wrote in the Nebraska Journal when he was a Nebraska School for the Deaf student, writing about an exhibition major league all star game when Rosenblatt Stadium opened. Rest in peace, Herb, you left the world in a better place

Caroline L. Preston Bass
4 months ago

Caroline Preston Bass

Karen Durany
4 months ago

I was so lucky to get to know Herb through his daughter, Jo, my colleague at the University of Oregon and dear friend. I fondly remember interrupting video phone calls at the office so I could say hello, great visits when he came to Oregon, and some mad back and forth texting during sporting events. One of my favorite memories is when he was seated not far from me at a football game. I went over to say hello and asked him how to sign “Go Ducks” – of course, I had to finger spell it. He got that devilish smile and finger spelled back in the same slow, clumsy way I did it. But then he of course kindly shared the signs.

He was brilliant, kind, and so funny. He was too extraordinary for words to adequately convey. My heart is with his beloved Caroline, Jo, Pam, and all who so acutely feel loss.

Tim O’Dell
4 months ago

I was so saddened to hear of Herb’s passing. He was a true gentleman and the life of the party.
I got to know Herb through my friendship with his daughter, Pam. Herb and Caroline were always in attendance at every party that Pam hosted.
I learned to speak sign language years ago because I had a friend who was deaf. After my friend passed away, I found that I was beginning to forget how to sign because I wasn’t using it anymore.
Herb offered to spend some time with me so that I could “brush up”. We met one Sunday morning on Balboa Island and while walking the island, and talking to Herb, it all started coming back. The only problem was, he could read lips so well that I would frequently forget that I was speaking to a deaf person!
I am amazed at what Herb was able to accomplish in his lifetime, and what a fabulous parent he was. He was, and will always remain, an inspiration to me.
I’ll miss him forever.
Tim O’Dell

Charlie Lahaie
4 months ago

Herb was such a gentleman, kind and thoughtful. He met with me when I was beginning my journey of planning special events for families with Deaf children, and connecting them to folks in the Deaf community. He introduced me to so many wonderful individuals in the Deaf community. He also introduced me to Johanna, which was amazing. I learned so much and treasure those memories.

Margie Propp
4 months ago

I have known Herb Larson my whole life. He has played many roles in my life. First as a dear friend of my parents George and Elly here in Nebraska. He was such a good friend that they chose him to be my Godfather. His most important role was as a mentor. He was a strong supporter and mentor when I decided to become a teacher of the Deaf. I had Herb and my parents as excellent role models as educators. I only hope I did justice to all of their memories. I will miss Herb’s laughter, stories, and the wonderful Christmas photo cards he sent every year. I am sure Herb and my dad George are sharing great stories and laughter over glasses of scotch! Much love to Caroline and the girls. ❤️

Tom Moran
4 months ago

One of the most important stages in my life was my time at CSUN and the NCOD. They were the very best of times and Herb Larson played a large and important role in my experience there. I noticed him immediately: Handsome fellow, dapper dresser, drove a Jag, and was really charming and funny. He was sophisticated and impish in equal measure. It seemed that everyone loved him and he was a true leader who trusted those who worked for him and he let them do their best work. He was especially kind to me, generous with his time, wonderful to work with, and a great influence on me. I first met Herb at an early breakfast meeting. He asked if I understood him. Foolishly, I lied and said yes. He then schooled me about how you can never lie to a Deaf person. I was mortified, but he handled it with his customary grace and humor. Later, when he noticed that I was a photographer studying writing, he hired me to perform what seemed an insurmountable project. He taught me that I could do such a thing. He encouraged me to apply for a scholarship that I ultimately secured, thanks in no small part, I’m sure, to him. My last year at NCOD allowed me to work very closely with Herb. Every day was a joy and time with Herb was always impactful, fun, special, and memorable. I am quite sad at Herb’s departure, but my many happy times with him live on in my heart. Rest in peace, Herb, and thanks for the memories.

Last edited 4 months ago by Tom Moran
Dawn Crossen Wilson
Reply to  Tom Moran
4 months ago

Great photos. Lucky YOU to be able to witness and preserve those moments on film. I also have taken many photos in my lifetime of special events and people when I happened to be part of it..not for pay…but for the love of the moment.
Thank you for all you have done for the deaf community. Dawn

Teresa Celli
5 months ago

My family moved in next door to the Larson’s home, in Tustin, back in 1972. Boy did we hit the jackpot. His daughter Pam and I became instant best friends for life.
Mr. Larson. My best friend’s Dad. A man who never stopped smiling and laughing. One of the kindest I’ve ever met. He helped shape my life over the years.
I’m fortunate to have had him and his family in my life.
Rest in peace Mr. Larson. You were so loved.

Ken Watson
5 months ago

Got to meet Herb thru Jeff Lenham who invited me to play permanent poker with well known men such as Ramon Rodriguez and Bernard Bragg. Enjoyed his sense of humor and wisdom advising. May God comfort him. RIP Herb!

Doug Ellis
5 months ago

My first teaching job was at Selaco H.S. on Sept 1972. Getting to know him and we were quickly connected. I enjoy his wisdom and sense of humor. He was easy to get along and a true family man with two beautiful daughters. We ended up residing at Tustin so that our two deaf children were able to attend Taft Elementary Hearing Impaired (sorry) School. Herb’s family and ours were only three blocks away so you can imagine how our times went. He made many positive impacts among only only deaf but hearing people. Upon his retirement, he took a great care of his wife, Caroline instead of having the opportunity to travel. We met at least once a month along with Steve Longacre for lunch and at his age of 90’s, he continue to have his wits. Gee…do miss him dearly and may he Rest In Peace.

Sheldon I. Altfeld
5 months ago

When I created the Silent Network I realized that I would need a talented “deaf professor,” and my

choice was Herb Larson, a fantastic personality that would be the best host we could have found for

our anchor program, “OFF-HAND.” Herb eventually became known as “The Deaf Johnny Carson,”

and was always available to answer questions and always available to answer questions and come up

with a couple of jokes. I loved him dearly and I will always miss him.

Joe Gaglio
6 months ago

My condolences.
My name is Joe Gaglio and I was a college friend of Jo.
About 20 years ago my wife and I were in New York City and were at the Guggenheim. We saw a photo exhibit of a San Francisco artist who had a piece of a woman. I remember seeing the piece around the city and commenting to my wife that the subject looked just like Jo Larson. To my surprise the piece was titled “Jo”. I emailed the artist but never received a response on whether Jo was the subject.
Please pass our condolences to Jo.
Joe and Tracey Gaglio

6 months ago

My sincerest condolences.

Marvin Fogel
6 months ago

Herbert Larson interviewed me for a teaching position before the DHH program at SELACO High School began in 1969. He was the assistant principal then principal during my tenure who was liked and admired by the staff. I would enjoy it every time he came to my classroom to observe me teaching my students. May he rest in peace.

Last edited 6 months ago by Marvin Fogel
Loretta Marx
6 months ago

In your lifetime, you can only hope to meet someone so special as Herb. I met him through a very dear friend of mine, his daughter Pam. It was apparent from the first meeting where Pam got her spunk, personality and smile. I often told her, “Gosh, it seems like he can hear me, he’s so in tune with what I’m saying and he is responding AND making me laugh.” He was blessed with loving daughters and a fantastic partner in Caroline. I absolutely loved spending time with them and learning. You’d be lucky to have an afternoon with Herb and Carolina (cocktails included always.) I know they enjoyed life to the fullest and it’s by their example we should learn to accept the cards we’re dealt and always look on the bright side. My fondest memory of Herb is when I was accepted an invitation to “chef” for a bridal shower being hosted by Pam. Heavy appetizers, cocktails and ambience – She said, “don’t sweat this – my dad is going to be here to help.” Herb arrived, donned an apron and asked how he could help. I showed him the sink and the three pounds of shrimp to be peeled, and with a curled lip, and a mouthed “yuck” looked at me and said, “what else ya got?” He got the job done and to no one’s surprise, promptly won the hearts of all the gals at the shower.
I am honored to have had the opportunity to know Herb. Rest in peace knowing how much you are loved.

Paul Stone
6 months ago

Mr. Herb Larson I met him in ‘90 as student at CSUN and after grad. He is always funny guy!! Cool one! So when you approach to him. He does not have a judgment in his body! Easy to talk with him! Got along with him!! That’s what I remember about him! So I learn to be mellow as possible! Thank you Mr. Larson!! Hope you are up there!!

Linda S Morton
6 months ago

When I first met him, I remembered he had a great send of humors and he even play with our mind with a doubt. He warm and friendly. He does give a little time to chat everyone who’s around him. Will surely miss him. My prayer to the girls and his wife will the comfort on your way. Love you all.

Deanne Bray
6 months ago

Last time to have seen Herb was when he came to support Fountain Theatre’s production, Arrival and Departure starring me and my husband. We went out to lunch afterwards. I was a student at CSUN during his time at NCOD. A classic guy who gave good laughters and guidance to students.
Always have viewed him as a gentleman with a lot of class.

Jo Larson
Reply to  Deanne Bray
6 months ago

Wonderful photos, thank you so much!

Sharon Neumann Solow
6 months ago

What a gift to the Universe was Herb Larson! He kept us thinking and laughing and growing.
I am grateful for the professional and personal connection we shared.
My love and wishes for comfort and peace to my friends, his beautiful, loving family.
I love you! May his memory be a blessing!

Dawn Crossen Wilson
Reply to  Sharon Neumann Solow
4 months ago

Hi, to Sharon. You gave so much to your community at CSUN, So Cal, and the whole deaf community. Thank you for sharing yourself with my students at Tustin High School.
Jo and Pam were part of my lives, too. Dawn

Muriel Freedman
6 months ago

I enjoyed working with Herb at National Center on Deafness at CSUN for many years. He always joined me and other staff during lunch hour and told his different stories, and so on. We will miss him!

marlee matlin
6 months ago


You will ALWAYS have place in my heart for as long as I live. Thank YOU for being so genuine to our friendship, all the laughter we had together, all the time you took to tell me your stories from childhood to Hollywood to parenthood and many more. I learned SO much from you, Herb. So grateful to have called you my dear friend, and forever will. Be sure you keep on telling jokes to everyone up in heaven with you. I love you Herb!

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