This is placeholder text for an obituary or biography for John Q. Sample. If you need suggestions for the obituary for your loved-one, please reach out to the Willowise team.
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Virtual Celebration of Life for John Q. Sample
Saturday December 29, 2029
2:00pm Eastern Time
John’s family invites you to join us for a virtual celebration of life to honor his life and legacy. An interactive online reception will take place immediately following.
Photo Gallery
Goodness of God – Sample Memorial Choir
This song embodies the way John lived his life. In every situation, no matter the difficulty, he would proclaim God’s goodness.
John lived a life devoted to Jesus. He spent the majority of his career as a music minister & choir director in churches around the US. The Sample family put out a call for anyone who had served with John to join a virtual choir in his honor. What you see here is just a small picture of his legacy impact on the Kingdom of God. We pray this song blesses you and encourages you today.
Please Enjoy This Playlist Of Musical Selections Inspired By John

In lieu of flowers please consider donating to the world literacy foundation.
John’s passion for reading was well known by all who loved him. In lieu of flowers, the Sample family requests donations to the World Literacy Foundation. Your support for this cause is a beautiful way to honor John.
It would be our deepest privilege to help you honor your loved-one with a beautiful online memorial!
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