Anthony Glenn Boea
November 3, 1962 – May 6, 2024
61 year-old Anthony “Tony” Glenn Boea journeyed home on May 6, 2024 after succumbing to kidney failure.
Tony recently said his favorite memory was of Christmas at age 3. Not because of any gift he received but because that was when everything was right with the world.
On November 3, 1962 he was born in Chicago to Melva Stewart and Robert Parker but for the first three years of his life, Tony was raised by his adoring grandparents. Shortly after that, his beloved grandfather developed terminal cancer. Tony then went to live with his young mother, who, along with her husband, Ferdinand LeBlanc, raised Tony and his three brothers.
Growing up, Tony enjoyed playing pranks on his younger brothers Edwin “Eddie” and Ferdinand “Joe” LeBlanc, and they enjoyed reciprocating. Throughout his life he was known to make people jump and scream for his personal entertainment. He even played pranks on his hospice nurses.
When he was 16, Tony spent a year in Pennsylvania to get to know his biological father who was dying of cancer. He was astonished by their common mannerisms, and fascinated by Mr. Parker’s knowledge of organic farming. Tony regretted not meeting his father sooner.
Tony graduated from Rich Township High School in Park Forest, IL in 1982 and briefly enlisted in the army. Although he was honorably discharged after a few months, he’s always felt an affinity with men in uniform. He later served in the National Guard and eventually received a medical discharge.
In his young adult years, by the grace of God, Tony conquered drug addiction; and with the help Pastor Scott Reese of Christ Cares and other caring Christians, he was able to get back on his feet and out of homelessness in the mid 90s.
Tony married Nola King in 1997 and became father to then 16-year-old Linnea King. He was thrilled to become a “Grandpa” to Tianna Watkins in 2004.
Shortly after he was married, Tony built his first home computer from spare parts. His technical acumen placed him in high demand as computer repair technician and network administrator, even with no formal training. When he and Nola moved to Florida in 2006, he left tech to become a certified scuba divemaster. Years later he worked as a security guard in retirement communities, where he enjoyed discussing civil war trivia with some of the residents.
Tony had a brilliant mind, a sharp wit, and a strong opinion about most things. He also went gaga over babies and animals. Over the years he had a variety of pets: A snake, rabbit, rat, ferret, parrots and cats, to name a few.
A man of many interests, Tony enjoyed: LARP & SCA, remote control airplanes, martial arts, war strategy in general, the US Civil War in particular, military tanks, firearms & target shooting, computer gaming, table gaming (Warhammer 40K), scuba diving & underwater photography, astronomy & astrophotography, Egyptology, old Japanese Godzilla movies, motorcycles, and more.
Tony not only loved music, he said he felt music in his soul. He would often close his eyes, lean back in his chair, and “experience” the music he was listening to. He enjoyed a vast variety of genres. His personal music collection contains exactly 11,076 mp3s. In addition, he taught himself to play guitar and keyboard, though he always considered himself a novice.
Tony was preceded in death by his mother, Melva Rose (Stewart) Leblanc and stepfather, Ferdinand Leblanc, and his father Robert Parker. He is survived by his brothers Joe and Eddie LeBlanc, daughter Linnea (King) Clark and son-in-law, Max Clark, granddaughter Tianna Watkins, beloved wife, Nola (King) Boea, and his faithful cat, Tally.
We will all miss his companionship and his bellowing laughter.
Virtual Homegoing Service for Tony Boea
Recorded Saturday, June 1, 2024
Tony’s family invites you to view the virtual Homegoing Service & Reception to honor his life and legacy.
Photo Gallery
Tony’s Scuba Diving Videos
One of Tony’s favorite pastimes was scuba diving. He learned in a quarry in Illinois, then worked toward his divemaster certification in Florida, where he loved to take his underwater camera and capture the colorful aquatic life. These are a couple of the videos he shot underwater, put to music, and produced by himself.
Tony’s Hobbies
Tony had a myriad of hobbies ranging from guitars, to model tanks, to astrophotography, to hand-painted miniatures, and more! Please enjoy these photos showcasing some of Tony’s varied passions.
G.I. Joe & Action Figures
Hand-Painted Miniatures
Model Tanks
Underwater Photography

In lieu of flowers please consider donating to Christ Cares.
In lieu of flowers or cards, you are welcome to make a donation to Christ Cares, a ministry that turned Tony’s life around both spiritually and materially when he was going through tough times nearly 30 years ago. Christ Cares continues to “bring hope and help to struggling people by proclaiming the Gospel and demonstrating the love of God in practical ways.”
We are so sorry to hear of Tony’s passing. Known as “Jackal” or “JackalUSA” in-game, he was a long time Citizen and will be missed. We send all our condolences to his family and friends.
Beautiful service for a beautiful soul. May the Lord bless his precious family as they go through the coming days without Tony. My deepest condolences.
You are a great friend. I am a better man to have known you. Gaming nights will not be the same. Many alien scum shall shall be removed in your Honor. Be at peace brother.
Love and strength to Nola and the Family! Please stay in touch (773) 960-4547…It’s a new love, but I love you!
Tony was unique at the least. Nola I sure this was never a boring time in your life. He will be missed & VERY much Loved 💕 Divine Strength & Grace to You & Yours this Day
Love you Nola and the rest of the family, you’re an angel!
Love you all God will see you through
Blessings On You❤️🙏🏼
Travel well my brother…
May you all find peace and comfort in the outpouring of love we’re sending you as we remember and celebrate Tony’s life.